After months of debating, a change in the baby's gender, and more debating... we have finally chosen a name for our baby girl #2 due this holiday season. Her name will be....
Madelyn Kate Leonards :) It's perfect and we are very excited for Bella's little sister to have a name! I am sure some people will call her Maddie, and that is fine, although both of us prefer Madelyn, it won't bother us for people to use the nickname either. She has been moving and kicking a ton this past week and letting her presence known! Unfortunately, this has also meant that I've had a return in morning sickness symptoms. Not sure why they decided to creep back into my life midway through this pregnancy but they have. Nausea, heartburn and general yuckiness. I started taking my Unisom/B6 combo again and have been wearing the Seabands that my friend Megan loaned me just about everyday. I was super sad to miss a girl's night dinner last week because I felt so bad! So little Madelyn---if you would cooperate and let Mommy feel better that would be wonderful :)
In other news... this little girl, named Isabella is getting ready to start preschool on Monday! I can hardly believe it!
In house news... our house is still up for rent, and we are hoping it rents out quickly. All of the other pieces are complete in terms of us getting into a new home...but we need a lease agreement. So keep your fingers crossed for us!
Oh, I LOVE it!!!! And I have to giggle that our kids are both M and B now. LOL